Jackson Kramer at Viking

Executive Chef Jackson Kramer of Interim Restaurant will be teaching a class at the Viking Cooking School on Monday, September 15, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The cost of the class is $79.

This class promises to be an excellent one. The class will be an opportunity to try “mystery box” cooking. When students arrive, they will receive a box of ingredients. They will have no advance knowledge of the contents of the box. They will have all the tools of the Viking learning kitchen. And they will have Chef Kramer.

Jackson will be the key. He is an excellent chef and an engaging personality. Like all great chefs, Jackson thrives on the mystery box that is the local farmers market where you will see him every week seeking out the freshest and best products.

Anyone bold enough to sign up for the class is sure to come away with several new ways of looking at ingredients. And considering that we still have two months of farmers markets to look forward to, new ideas for ingredients will come in handy.

My one regret about the format of this class is that Jackson is not likely to teach how he makes the excellent burger they serve at Interim. I was hoping he might be able to show us how to use that cool slider gadget that Mama Squirrel loves so much.

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