Our cookbook project: The Twinkies Cookbook

The Twinkies Cookbook

So Mama Squirrel and I want to find a cookbook that suits us so that we can make a project of cooking all the recipes in the book. Well, we may have found that cookbook.

The Twinkies Cookbook comes from Hostess and my favorite cookbook publisher, Ten Speed Press. There are some really cute ideas that would be fun for a kitschy party. I like the looks of Twinkies sushi, and even the Twinkies burrito with strawberries and chocolate sauce looks good. There is a surprisingly lovely wedding cake that uses nearly eight pounds of fondant. There are Twinkie drinks including the Twinkie Milkshake and the Twinkie grasshopper. Hmm. And of course there is the final chapter, Twinkies and Meat. There is the chicken-raspberry Twinkie salad and the twinkling turkey. That’s right, a turkey stuffed with apples and toasted Twinkies!

Well, ok, maybe we’ll keep looking for that right cookbook for us.

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2 thoughts on “Our cookbook project: The Twinkies Cookbook

  • February 19, 2007 at 12:20 pm

    Oh. my. good. lord. have. mercy!!!!! This is just WRONG….WRONG, I tell you!!! (Are you going to make me a twinkie burrito when I visit??????)

  • February 19, 2007 at 7:25 pm

    I want to help you guys eat Twinkie Cookbook stuff!! This should be the one!!!!!!!!

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