“This guide will make readers eager to search out the nearest Tennessee farm, not to mention make them hungry. Recommended for foodies, tourists, and natives who are ready to eat their way across the farms of Tennessee.”
–Library Journal
“When you plan your next road trip . . . [carry] a copy of Farm Fresh Tennessee along with you as a guide.”
–Nashville Scene
“A celebration of southern farmers’ ingenuity and successes, as well as an introduction to a new crop of farmers.”
–Urban Farm
“If local simply suits your style, then you may want to take a look at a new Southern Gateways Guide by Paul and Angela Knipple. . . . The first guidebook of its kind for Tennessee, it leads food lovers, families, locals and tourists on a lively tour of more than 360 farms and farm-related attractions.”
–Chattanooga Magazine
“I was absolutely delighted when the book Farm Fresh Tennessee came across my desk to review for Tennessee Libraries. I have used it to discover new and interesting food options in my region, and plan to have the book in hand when next I venture out of my corner of Tennessee. . . . Recommended for public libraries and any library with a collection on regional food or cooking.”
–Marie Jones, Tennessee Libraries
“This lively, easy-to-read book is a must for everyone interested in agritourism and eating local.”
–Pamela Bartholomew, Tennessee Department of Agriculture