The Complete Keller: Cue Zarathustra

The Complete Thomas Keller

We have wanted Thomas Keller’s cookbooks for the longest time. Now, thanks to the last of our Christmas gift cards, we have our own copy of The Complete Keller.

I have looked at the hefty boxed set in the store, but something about it was even more imposing as I lifted it out of the box. I swear I practically heard the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey as I beheld the monolith.

I do realize that Keller’s recipes are not truly intended for mere mortals to attain any more than a book of Monet paintings are for Bob Ross disciples. Still, I intend to give it my all. Mama was disappointed that the recipe for the incredible peanut butter cookies that we had at Bouchon Bakery are not in the Bouchon book. Recreating those cookies is her new crusade.

Come to think of it, we still haven’t done a Bouchon review. We have even more homework to do.

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